

We protect your business, get the necessary music and video licenses for your commercial environments.

One of the most common problems that industries face is undoubtedly the protection of copyright

The purpose of the Copyright Law in Mexico is to protect the rights of artists, writers, composers, and publishers when someone plays, reproduces, or distributes their content.

In Mexico, there are four different types of copyright fees that must be paid to the corresponding collecting entities.

  • Payment of copyright fees for the compilation of musical works (direct profit).
  • Payment of related rights for equipment (direct profit).
  • Payment of copyright fees for the public performance of music contained in the equipment (indirect profit).
  • Payment of related rights for the public performance of works (indirect profit).

Companies and businesses must obtain the necessary licenses before using any content. Using copyrighted material without permission can result in lawsuits and fines.

Music service
Mind and Sense
Direct profit rights
Payment covered
Payment covered
Public performance rights
Customer duties
Payment covered. Significant
discount on current rate.

Please note that this service will be billed separately from the monthly fee for the musical service. A license or letter confirming payment will be provided.

Mind & Sense will not pursue any legal action or claim for non-payment of this royalty.

Our alliance partners

We have strategic alliances that allow us to cover any eventuality related to this issue.

ANDI. Asociación nacional de intérpretes

It is a collective management organization that collects royalties on behalf of its members, who are typically creators of copyrighted works such as music, film, and television. CMOs negotiate licenses with users of copyrighted works and distribute the royalties to their members.

SACM. Sociedad de Autores y Compositores de México.

It is a collective management organization that has the legal authority to collect royalties for the public performance of music in commercial establishments.

SOMEXFON. Sociedad Mexicana de Productores de Fonogramas, Videogramas y Multimedia.

It is a collective management organization that collects and distributes royalties to phonogram producers in Mexico.

Get a legal music license for your business.


Cartucho - Purificador de aire

Desde $146.00 durantes 18 meses.

Nuestro neutralizador de olores elimina los olores desagradables a través de un proceso de absorción único.

Cartucho- Anti olor limón

Cartucho- Anti olor limón

Cartucho- Anti olor limón

Cartucho- Anti olor Sin Aroma